José Luis Pérez Batlle
José Luis Pérez Batlle
Pioneer, Innovator and President of Pérez Batlle International Institute
José Luis Pérez Batlle has dedicated his life to manual techniques and osteopathy, being a pioneer in introducing Cranio-Sacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation in Spain and Panama. For 26 years, he directed the Upledger Institute and the Barral Institute, training numerous teachers and more than 10,000 students.
He is a founding member and professor of the University School of Osteopathy of Murcia and currently heads the Pérez Batlle International Institute. His mission is to disseminate the ‘Meningeal Approach’, a revolutionary therapeutic method he has developed over more than 30 years of research.
Recognized for his ability to connect with people and awaken consciousness, José Luis continues to offer Personal Integration courses and at the same time continues to promote the therapeutic training of the ‘Meningeal Approach’.

Therapeutic Training
His therapeutic journey began in 1987 and he graduated with honors as an osteopath from the Cantabrian School of Osteopathy in 1995. He became a professor at the Juan Baez School of Osteopathy in 1992.
Encouraged by his professor René Daubagná, he traveled to the United States to study with Dr. John E. Upledger, who became his mentor and teacher since 1995. There he began his training as an international teacher of Upledger Cranio-Sacral Therapy and Somato-Emotional Liberation.
Since 1997, he has been spreading Upledger Cranio-Sacral Therapy and Barral Visceral Manipulation in Spain and Panama, and has specialized in temporomandibular joint dysfunctions with Dr. Charles McNeill in the TMJ department of the San Francisco School of Medicine and later did the complete training with Professor Mariano Rocabado.
He continued his osteopathic studies until 2006, training as a professor of the International Society of Osteopathy at the Academic College of Pariss. At the same time he studied medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of Granada, which became interested in his work and opened a line of research. He also studied Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Pekin School in Valencia.
José Luis is convinced that habits, thoughts, behaviors and, above all, the way we are born are key to our health. This belief keeps him immersed in constant research and total dedication.
He has collaborated as a speaker at 16 congresses dedicated to Manual Therapy – Osteopathy and has worked closely with nursing and physiotherapy schools. In addition, he has written numerous articles for magazines such as ‘Ser Padres’, ‘Cycle Sport’, and ‘Natural’.
With his vast experience with his patients and as a teacher and his tireless dedication to improving human well-being, José Luis Pérez Batlle continues to set the standard in the field of health.