Batlle Ostepathy Center

Our Center and Facilities

Committed to excellence in Osteopathy and comprehensive patient care.

The Centro de Osteopatía Batlle (C.O.B.), founded in 1991 in Granada by José Luis Pérez Batlle, is proud to be the first establishment in the city completely dedicated to Osteopathy. Over the years, our center has established a precedent in the field of Osteopathy in Andalusia, successfully treating more than 7,000 patients.

Now located in San Antón street, our center continues to be a reference in manual therapy in Spain. Today, José Luis divides his time working in Granada, Malaga, Italy and Panama.

Our team

We are supported by a team of professionals, led by José Luis, highly trained in Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Cranio-Sacral Therapy and Meningeal Approach. These professionals, with extensive experience in the Meningeal Approach, have been trained and practiced for years under the guidance of its creator and teacher, José Luís Pérez Batlle.

Our Approach

Our focus is primarily on infants and children, minimizing the stresses of childbirth and its possible consequences. In addition, we consider the pelvic preparation of the mother before and after childbirth to be fundamental. We also provide support to adults with physical injuries and emotional disturbances related to any illness.

José Luis works closely with professional cyclists on the international circuit, supporting them in their sporting goals, which reinforces our prestige in the sports sector.


José Luis works closely with professional cyclists of the international peloton, helping them to achieve their goals for the grand tours...

Thanks to the vast experience of José Luis in the sports world, who was osteopath of the Professional Cycling Team Seur during the seasons 89-90 and 90-91, and who continues to receive professional cyclists of the stature of Alejandro Valverde, Imanol Erviti, Oscar Sevilla and a long etc. remains a reference in this sector.

Osteopathy Center Batlle Panama and

The Golf Clinic was created with the objective of providing support to all athletes, particularly golfers seeking to improve their performance.

We use the Interactive Metronome (I.M.) to evaluate possible influences that limit performance, perform a static and dynamic podographic study, and apply Osteopathic and Meningeal Approach techniques to improve these limitations.

Subsequently, we confirmed the improvements with M.I. and established a personalized brain training program.

To request an appointment at our center, please contact our secretary’s office and we will be happy to assist you.

Contact Information

Batlle Osteopathy Center in Spain

Where to find us
C/ San Antón, 72, Pta. 6ª – Puerta 13
Edificio Real Center, 18005 Granada
View Map: Click here
Phone: +34 958520422
Celphone: +34 616569389
Hours: Lun-Vie de 10:00 – 14:00 y de 17:00 – 21:00

Batlle Osteopathic Center in Panama

Where to find us
Coronado Luxury Club & Suites
Coronado. Punta Prieta Blvd. Chame Dis. Coronado
View Map: Click here
Phone. Consultation: +507 6070 5670
Hours: Lun – Vie de 8:00 am – 12:00 md

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